Merry Christmas from the Sicilian Cuisine Blog
dicembre 24, 2011
CheeseArt in Ragusa, for those who love cheese!
gennaio 28, 2012
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Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!!!

Here we go! A year has passed since I started this online experience that has given me a lot of satisfacions. Thanks for the many mails, requests and nice comments I received in these months, I really appreciated them!

It is my first blog and having reached almost 55,000 readers after 12 months is absolutely an amazing result, I am so proud as I did all by myself and without any help… so thank you very much!

Today is the festivity of the Epiphany so, just like the 3 wisemen, I would like to bring you three little presents wishing a very Happy New Year to spend with the Sicilian Cuisine blog:

1) Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are – Brillat Savarin

2) Laughter is brightest where food is best – Irish Proverb

3) We should look for someone to eat and drink with, before looking for something to eat and drink! – Epicurus

Think and enjoy! :)))

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