gennaio 20, 2024

Savoury cheesecake with mortadella!

Sicilian cure meat awarded silver medal Today I am going to talk about the delicious: MORTADELLA! As everyone knows this wonderful cured meat is typical of […]
dicembre 30, 2023

Season’s Greetings from The Sicilian Cuisine Blog

Hello Sicilian food lovers! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I managed to cook this delicious coffee flavored stump cake, which I wanted to try for […]
dicembre 31, 2021

Happy New Year 2022 from the Sicilian Cuisine Blog

Happy New Year to all my readers and foodies! Yesterday, January 1st to celebrate the arrival of 2022 I baked a lovely Christmas cinnamon wreath!   […]
maggio 2, 2020

White & red bruschetta, the typical Sicilian starter

Do you know how to prepare some traditional starter called bruschetta? It’s very easy, but to make a perfect bruschetta you must have the perfect bread, […]
febbraio 28, 2019

Lentils pasta soup: a soothing dish for your cold winters

Have you ever tried pasta soup with lentils? Yes I said pasta soup, because in Italy not only we eat pasta asciutta but we also have […]
gennaio 5, 2019

Pizza ‘a taglio’ and rounded one: what’s the difference?

Have you ever heard the expression “pizza a taglio”? Do you know what it means?  Italy is the homeland of pizza, but there is a big […]
luglio 11, 2018

The finest mussel soup of all times…

Do you know how to cook a mussel soup? Follow this recipe and you will have the finest and most delicate soup you have ever eaten […]
maggio 19, 2018

Royal Wedding: the cake has got Sicilian lemons!!!

Dear Sicilian foodies, Could I ever let this event falling behind without notice? Of course not! 😀 The big day has finally arrived: Prince Harry and […]
novembre 30, 2017

Homemade little gifts for your Christmas or Secret Santa? Here some ideas!

December has definitely arrived: cold, a bit wet but always extremely charming. Going out in December is so beautiful as you get to see Christmas decorations […]
ottobre 16, 2016

Tuna, potatoes and… voilà: you’ve got your “fish”!

Have you ever heard of the “pesce finto”? This typical southern recipe, whose name literally means fake fish, is a very quick one and so delicious! […]
aprile 20, 2016

Fusion food: how to make healthy and creative snacks!

My fusion bruschetta with mozzarella tomato and guacamole Have you ever felt creative while preparing a healthy snack? Last week I bought some Sicilian buffalo mozzarella […]
settembre 21, 2014

Sicilian parmigiana and Nero d’Avola: amazing combination!

Have you ever heard about Parmigiana? I am sure the name rings a bell, but what is it exactly? The “Parmigiana di melanzane” is a very […]