aprile 13, 2017

Simple and genuine, the perfect minestra for the Holy Week

Have you ever tried this genuine and super healthy minestra dish that we called pasta with lettuce? This recipe has very poor origins as it was […]
gennaio 22, 2017

Rianata and tabisca: delicious local Sicilian focaccias

Rianata Trapanese Have you ever heard of the names “RIANATA TRAPANESE” or “TABISCA SACCENSE”? And what about the “FUATA NISSENA”? Do not worry. They are not […]
dicembre 4, 2016

Meatballs in broth, the frugal dish that keeps you warm

Have you ever heard of this typical dish called “Monachine in brodo”? Perfect during the winter season the monachine are tiny little meatballs cooked in broth […]
ottobre 16, 2016

Tuna, potatoes and… voilà: you’ve got your “fish”!

Have you ever heard of the “pesce finto”? This typical southern recipe, whose name literally means fake fish, is a very quick one and so delicious! […]
agosto 21, 2016

The Sicilian “polpette di melanzane”, yummy veggie fritters

Have you ever tried this amazing Sicilian recipe called in Italian “polpette di melanzane”? I know you are asking: “what does it mean?” It’s aubergine/eggplants fritters. […]
luglio 31, 2016

Summer Sicilian salads: healthy, tasty and colorful

Have you ever tried this delicious and colorful summer Sicilian salads? Full of all the Mediterranean taste and incredibly healthy, it’s perfect for a light lunch […]
giugno 26, 2016

Sicilian tapas, delicious finger food for our guests

My beautiful foodies, today I am gonna show you some creative ideas of food we can offer to friends when they come to visit us. Starters, […]
maggio 15, 2016

Fancy a barbecue? Choose the “involtini alla messinese”

Do you know how to make very easy beef skewers in Messina style? Well… let’s go back for one second… If you have ever lived in […]
aprile 20, 2016

Fusion food: how to make healthy and creative snacks!

My fusion bruschetta with mozzarella tomato and guacamole Have you ever felt creative while preparing a healthy snack? Last week I bought some Sicilian buffalo mozzarella […]
marzo 6, 2016

The homemade Sicilian beef stew: we call it “Spezzatino!”

Have you ever heard the word “spezzatino“? It’s a word used in Sicily that refers to a very traditional dish and even though you won’t find […]
settembre 21, 2014

Sicilian parmigiana and Nero d’Avola: amazing combination!

Have you ever heard about Parmigiana? I am sure the name rings a bell, but what is it exactly? The “Parmigiana di melanzane” is a very […]
febbraio 10, 2014

Sicilian primosale & pecorino cheese: something to be proud of!

  Primosale from Sicilformaggi, Santa Ninfa Do you know what is ‘tuma or primosale’? With these words we indicate the first two aging phases of one […]